Custom Service
This item can only be used for orders that have been discussed with splitkb.com. Please only add this item to your cart when instructed. Thank you!
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Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out through Discord or email.
Have you agreed on a service? Please add the instructed number of service items to your cart.
Custom Product
Have you agreed on a custom product? Please add the instructed number of custom product items to your cart.
Ship Partial Order
Have you agreed on having a part of your order shipped separately? Add this item to your cart and you'll only have to pay the additional shipping costs.
The items on this page are to facilitate bespoke works that have been offered to customers by splitkb.com. We do not take commissions or custom orders. Do you have a question about ordering at splitkb.com? Do not hesitate to get in touch and we'll be happy to answer your questions.